Sintax Highlight

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri May 11 12:27:33 BST 2007

On 11.05.07 10:51:20, Jorge Almeida wrote:
> I made a
> typedef int MessageSize_t;
> Currently every time i write  MessageSize_t it is interpreted has normal code 
> and stays with the default color for normal code (black by default).
> My question is if i can define a rule for the highlight schema that makes 
> possible to highlight all the words of type *_t with a color diferent from 
> the normal code color.

Kate/KDE3 doesn't know anything about C++ code except a few keywords and
the highlighting mechanism is not extensible enough to hook in
kdevelop's code model. So all you can do is find the C++ highlighting
file (IIRC some xml file shipped as part of kdelibs) and add
MessageSize_t as a keyword. For more information on how to do that visit, the homepage of Kate.

> If this feature is not supported maybe it's a good ideia to implement it in a 
> new version of kdevelop. It's very handy for several languages, especialy C 

It already is working in KDevelop4/Kate3, i.e. KDE4. This is not usable
atm, but there are some screenshots for this. Kate's highlighting
mechanism is extended there to allow KDevelop to do additional


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		-- Ashleigh Brilliant

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