Project Publishing and build configurations

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Mar 30 22:51:59 BST 2007

On 30.03.07 14:18:24, Tommy Li wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 29.03.07 15:30:06, Tommy Li wrote:
> >> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> >>> On 29.03.07 11:26:37, Tommy Li wrote:
> >>>> I've found the project publishing feature of Kdevelop, but how do I 
> >>>> choose which build configuration to publish? I didn't find an option for 
> >>>> that.
> >>> Uhm, I have no idea how that works, but in general the packaging support
> >>> is unmaintained since quite some time and AFAIK doesn't work out of the
> >>> box (except for the source package). So I advise against using it.
> >>>
> >>> Andreas
> >>>
> >> How can I package my kdevelop projects into something I can let users 
> >> download and perform a "./configure" "make" standard sequence on then?
> > 
> > That part is covered by the source packaging stuff. I thought you were
> > using the rpm-part, because you said you need to know the build config.
> > For creating a source package the build configuration is totally
> > irrelevant. That just packs together your source,
> > and thats it.
> > 
> > If you don't use the packaging option, you'd have to tar -gz the sources
> > yourselfs. Best done with a fresh version (i.e. no make -f Makefile.cvs
> > run yet) and then run make -f Makefile.cvs. Then put that into a tar and
> > you're done.
> Why is it irrelevant for a source package? Don't I need to include in 
> the source package information on which libraries the user must link 
> with -- and whether its built in optimized or debug mode?

No, because the user can choose that by himself, by adding the proper
flags when he runs configure. Source package here is a tar.gz that
contains configure skript, the's a few other files from the
top-level dir and the source code of your application.


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