Print option in debugger

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Mar 1 10:21:01 GMT 2007

On 28.02.07 22:50:30, Vladimir Prus wrote:
> On Wednesday 28 February 2007 17:40, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > You are free to write wishlist reports for any of these to get this for
> > 4.0. The only thing that I think can't be done is a mixed source/asm
> > view, because our editor doesn't allow that.
> In 4.0? It surely would be bad if Kate won't support mixed source/asm in
> 4.0.

What I meant was injecting asm source into the editor view without
adding it to the file. I mean kate already allows mixed source/asm code
in 3.x, but I'm not sure Kate has an API to inject some text at a given
file position without altering the document... Which is what the user
wanted as far as I understood.

However there might be a better way in KDevelop4, use a split view. The
2nd view can contain all asm and be linked to the functions in the
source so the two views stay in sync.


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