Where is kdev-pg?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon Jun 18 21:16:08 BST 2007

On 18.06.07 21:55:40, Oliver Kellogg wrote:
> Hello kdevelopers,
> It took me quite a while to figure out that kdev-pg appears to be
> at trunk/playground/devtools/kdevelop-pg - is that location correct?

Yes thats right.

> Could someone point me to a description of the syntax of the ".g" files?

Use the source luke ;) There's no proper documentation. You can ask
Jakob Petsovis to mail his thesis about the java parser, that thesis has
a quite good intro to kdev-pg. Other than that you have to look into the
examples/ folder and look at the existing parsers there. Also a look at
the python parser (currently in the works, but does already parse all
python files I have around) at:


Or at the ruby,java,csharp parsers at


Also I suggest to join the kdevelop-devel list, as most of the
knowledgeable devs lurk around there more than here.

May I ask for what you want to use the parser generator?


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