Project options question

Phil phillor at
Thu Feb 1 02:13:58 GMT 2007

Thank you for reading this.

There have been odd times when I have wanted to create a simple console
program using the Qt3 libraries, but I have never seceded. This is an 
example, that
I found recently, and below it is the error message that I have seen very

No doubt I need to add something to the Kdevelop project options but what?

Can anyone help?

#include "/usr/lib/qt3/include/qapplication.h"
#include "/usr/lib/qt3/include/qlabel.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
 QApplication app(argc, argv);
 QLabel *label = new QLabel("Hello World!", 0);


 return app.exec();

/usr/include/multiarch-dispatch.h:23:56: error:
multiarch-i386-linux/qconfig.h: No such file or directory


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