How is "import project" intended to be used?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Nov 18 09:27:27 GMT 2006

On 17.11.06 18:57:36, craig harris wrote:
> If I have an existing project, and want to make a new project that is a clone of the old one, is the the intended use of the import project command? If so, do I:


> 1) create a new project, and then import the existing project into it?


> 2) Open kdevelop with no projects opened, set the project directory somehow, then import the existing project?


> 3) With a project opened, import the existing project into the opened project?


The import project option takes a directory where you have a software
project lying - that is not created by kdevelop, lets say you downloaded
it from the net. Then kdevelop creates a kdevelop-project file and tries
to parse the buildsystem that is used - depending on your choice in the
import dialog. 


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