Library with nested source file structure

Ingolf Steinbach Ingolf.Steinbach at
Fri Jun 30 13:27:02 BST 2006

Andreas Pakulat schrieb:
> I didn't say you should use symlinks.

Ok. Then, I misunderstood you.

 > Just create a subproject for
> include and for src, then in that create subprojects for each module.
> Then you should be able to add whatever filenames you want, they only
> have to be "unique" within that subproject (each subproject maps to a
> directory).

Yes, that works (i.e. adding the files). However, these subprojects do
not each produce a separate library but just contribute to the *one*
library. It is not clear to me how to specify that.

> If you still have problems, please provide the steps to reproduce this
> on a simple automake-based project.

See my example in the original post. The output of the top-
level project should be *one* library plus all the public
header files. The library contains all object files resulting
from compiling the sources in the various modules (i.e.

Kind regards

Ingolf Steinbach                       Jena-Optronik GmbH
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