function browser doesn't work with attached file

David Ohlemacher ohlemacher at
Thu Jan 26 17:57:46 GMT 2006

Where are the prototypes?

Timo Steuerwald wrote:

> Hi all,
> if the attached file is opened in the editor, the function browser at 
> the toolbar displays always only "(no function)", that's all. :-(
> I'm using KDevelop 3.3. What can I do to change this?
> Cheers,
> Timo
>// Copyright (C) 2004 SIPfoundry Inc.
>// Licensed by SIPfoundry under the LGPL license.
>// Copyright (C) 2004 Pingtel Corp.
>// Licensed to SIPfoundry under a Contributor Agreement.
>// $$
>#ifdef __pingtel_on_posix__ /* [ */
>#ifndef __use_alsa_on_posix__ /* [ */
>/* OK, so here's how this file is supposed to work as I understand it - To
> * start up audio hardware services, the outside world will call dmaStartup()
> * which is supposed to initialize the audio hardware, starting threads if
> * necessary (the thread that calls dmaStartup() needs it to return quickly,
> * and not be interrupted in the future by any timers dmaStartup() might set
> * up), and begin calling MpMediaTask::signalFrameStart() every 10 ms.
>/* Only for Linux. Needs root priveleges. */
>//#define _JITTER_PROFILE
>#define JITTER_DUMP     100000  // Dump the jitter histogram after 16.6 minutes.
>/* What follows is the generic POSIX sound driver interface. OS-specific
> * details are enclosed in #ifdef blocks further below. */
>#include "mp/MpMediaTask.h"
>#include "mp/dmaTask.h"
>/* These systems have real sound drivers which are very similar. The common
> * functionality is included in this block. */
>#include <pthread.h> /* we're already fairly os-specific, just use pthreads */
>#include <time.h>
>#include <string.h>
>#include <assert.h>
>#include <unistd.h>
>#include <fcntl.h>
>#include <sched.h>
>#include <sys/ioctl.h>
>#include <sys/time.h>
>#include <sys/mman.h>
>#include <semaphore.h>
>#include "mp/MpBufferMsg.h"
>#include "mp/MpBuf.h"
>#include "mp/MpMisc.h"
>#include "mp/MprToSpkr.h"
>#define SAMPLES_PER_SEC 8000
>#define MIN_SAMPLE_RATE 100
>#define BITS_PER_SAMPLE 16
>#define N_SAMPLES 80
>#define timediff(early, late) ((late.tv_sec-early.tv_sec)*1000000+(late.tv_usec-early.tv_usec))
>UtlString DmaTask::mRingDeviceName = "" ;
>UtlString DmaTask::mCallDeviceName = "" ;
>UtlString DmaTask::mMicDeviceName = "" ;
>bool      DmaTask::mbOutputDevicesChanged = false ;
>bool      DmaTask::mbInputDeviceChanged = false ;
>bool DmaTask::smIsRingerEnabled = false ;
>bool DmaTask::smIsMuted = false ;
>MuteListenerFuncPtr DmaTask::smpMuteListener  = NULL ;
>/* Local variables */
>static OsMsgPool* DmaMsgPool = NULL;
>/* We want to keep these around to be able to shutdown... */
>/* in case we should ever decide to do that. */
>static pthread_mutex_t sNotifierMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
>static pthread_cond_t sNotifierCond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
>static struct timespec sNotifierTime;
>static bool dmaOnline = 0;
>static int frameCount = 1;
>static int soundCard = -1;
>#ifdef _INCLUDE_AUDIO_SUPPORT /* [ */
>/* Force the threads to alternate read/write */
>static sem_t read_sem, write_sem;
>static void startAudioSupport(void);
>static void stopAudioSupport(void);
>#endif /* _INCLUDE_AUDIO_SUPPORT ] */
>#ifdef _JITTER_PROFILE /* [ */
>static unsigned long long timeA, timeB;
>static int jitterHistory[210];
>static unsigned targetCpuSpeed;
>static unsigned long cpuSpeed(void);
>static unsigned long long getRDTSC();
>#endif /* _JITTER_PROFILE ] */
>int showFrameCount(int silent)
>   if (!silent)
>      osPrintf("%d DMA Frames\n", frameCount);
>   return frameCount;
>static void * mediaSignaller(void * arg)
>#if defined(_REALTIME_LINUX_AUDIO_THREADS) && defined(__linux__) /* [ */
>   struct sched_param realtime;
>   int res;
>   if(geteuid() != 0)
>   {
>      OsSysLog::add(FAC_MP, PRI_WARNING, "_REALTIME_LINUX_AUDIO_THREADS was defined but application does not have ROOT priv.");
>   }
>   else
>   {
>      // Set the priority to the maximum allowed for the scheduling polity.
>      realtime.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO);
>      res = sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, &realtime);
>      assert(res == 0);
>      // keep all memory locked into physical mem, to guarantee realtime-behaviour
>      res = mlockall(MCL_CURRENT|MCL_FUTURE);
>      assert(res == 0);
>   }
>#ifdef __linux__
>   clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &sNotifierTime);
>   struct timeval tv;
>   gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
>   sNotifierTime.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
>   sNotifierTime.tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000;
>   pthread_mutex_lock(&sNotifierMutex);
>   while(dmaOnline)
>   {
>      // Add 10 milliseconds onto the previous timeout
>      sNotifierTime.tv_nsec = sNotifierTime.tv_nsec + 10000000;
>      if (sNotifierTime.tv_nsec >= 1000000000)
>      {
>         ++sNotifierTime.tv_sec;
>         sNotifierTime.tv_nsec -= 1000000000;
>      }
>      pthread_cond_timedwait(&sNotifierCond, &sNotifierMutex, &sNotifierTime);
>#ifdef _JITTER_PROFILE /* [ */
>      timeB = getRDTSC();
>      // Determine the time delta in microseconds then convert and
>      // scale to a range of 9.0 milliseconds to +29.9 milliseconds
>      int jitter = timeB - timeA;
>      timeA = getRDTSC();
>      jitter = (jitter - 9000) / 100;
>      if (jitter < 0) jitter = 0;
>      if (jitter > 209) jitter = 209;
>      jitterHistory[jitter]++;
>      if (frameCount % JITTER_DUMP == 0)
>      {
>         for (int i = 0; i < 210; i++)
>         {
>            osPrintf("%f\t%d\n", 9.0 + (0.1 * i), jitterHistory[i]);
>            jitterHistory[i] = 0;
>         }
>      }
>#endif /* _JITTER_PROFILE ] */
>      /* here's our 10ms call */
>      osPrintf("frameCount: %i\n", frameCount);
>      frameCount++;
>      MpMediaTask::signalFrameStart();
>   }
>   osPrintf(" ***********STOP!**********\n");
>   pthread_mutex_unlock(&sNotifierMutex);
>   pthread_mutex_destroy(&sNotifierMutex);
>   pthread_cond_destroy(&sNotifierCond);
>   return NULL;
>OsStatus dmaStartup(int samplesPerFrame)
>   int res;
>   pthread_t thread;
>   dmaOnline = 1;
>#ifdef _JITTER_PROFILE /* [ */
>   targetCpuSpeed = cpuSpeed();
>   timeA = getRDTSC();
>#endif /* _JITTER_PROFILE ] */
>   // Start the mediaSignaller thread
>   res = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, mediaSignaller, NULL);
>   assert(res == 0);
>   pthread_detach(thread);
>#ifdef _INCLUDE_AUDIO_SUPPORT /* [ */
>   startAudioSupport();
>#endif /* _INCLUDE_AUDIO_SUPPORT ] */
>   return OS_SUCCESS;
>void dmaShutdown(void)
>   if(dmaOnline)
>   {
>      dmaOnline = 0;
>      /* make sure the thread isn't wedged */
>      pthread_cond_signal(&sNotifierCond);
>#ifdef _INCLUDE_AUDIO_SUPPORT /* [ */
>      stopAudioSupport();
>#endif /* _INCLUDE_AUDIO_SUPPORT ] */
>   }
>#ifdef _INCLUDE_AUDIO_SUPPORT /* [ */
>/* This will be defined by the OS-specific section below. */
>static int setupSoundCard(void);
>static void * soundCardReader(void * arg)
>   MpBufferMsg* pMsg;
>   MpBufferMsg* pFlush;
>   MpBufPtr ob;
>   Sample* buffer;
>   int recorded;
>   int justRead;
>   osPrintf(" **********START MIC!**********\n");
>   while(dmaOnline)
>   {
>      ob = MpBuf_getBuf(MpMisc.UcbPool, N_SAMPLES, 0, MP_FMT_T12);
>      assert(ob != NULL);
>      buffer = MpBuf_getSamples(ob);
>      recorded = 0;
>      sem_wait(&read_sem);
>      while(recorded < N_SAMPLES)
>      {
>         justRead = read(soundCard, &buffer[recorded], BUFLEN - (recorded * sizeof(Sample)));
>         osPrintf("*justRead: %i\n", justRead);
>         assert(justRead > 0);
>         recorded += justRead/sizeof(Sample);
>      }
>      sem_post(&write_sem);
>      if (DmaTask::isMuteEnabled())
>         memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(Sample) * N_SAMPLES); /* clear it out */
>      assert(recorded == N_SAMPLES);
>      pMsg = (MpBufferMsg*) DmaMsgPool->findFreeMsg();
>      if(pMsg == NULL)
>         pMsg = new MpBufferMsg(MpBufferMsg::AUD_RECORDED);
>      pMsg->setMsgSubType(MpBufferMsg::AUD_RECORDED);
>      pMsg->setTag(ob);
>      pMsg->setBuf(MpBuf_getSamples(ob));
>      pMsg->setLen(MpBuf_getNumSamples(ob));
>      if(MpMisc.pMicQ->send(*pMsg, OsTime::NO_WAIT) != OS_SUCCESS)
>      {
>         OsStatus  res;
>         res = MpMisc.pMicQ->receive((OsMsg*&) pFlush, OsTime::NO_WAIT);
>         if (OS_SUCCESS == res) {
>            MpBuf_delRef(pFlush->getTag());
>            pFlush->releaseMsg();
>         } else {
>            osPrintf("DmaTask: queue was full, now empty (5)!"
>               " (res=%d)\n", res);
>         }
>         if(MpMisc.pMicQ->send(*pMsg, OsTime::NO_WAIT) != OS_SUCCESS)
>            MpBuf_delRef(ob);
>      }
>      if(!pMsg->isMsgReusable())
>         delete pMsg;
>   }
>   osPrintf(" ***********STOP!**********\n");
>   return NULL;
>static void * soundCardWriter(void * arg)
>   struct timeval start;
>   int framesPlayed;
>   osPrintf(" **********START SPKR!**********\n");
>   gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
>   framesPlayed = 0;
>   while(dmaOnline)
>   {
>      MpBufferMsg* pMsg;
>      MpBufPtr ob;
>      Sample last_buffer[N_SAMPLES] = {0};
>      /* write to the card */
>      struct timeval now;
>      bool playFrame;
>      playFrame = 0;
>      gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
>      if(now.tv_sec > start.tv_sec + 5)
>      {
>         osPrintf("* case 1\n");
>         /* we're really behind (more than 5 seconds) */
>         playFrame = 1;
>         start = now;
>         framesPlayed = 0;
>         //osPrintf("soundCardWriter resetting output synchronization\n");
>      }
>      else
>      {
>         int delta = timediff(start, now);
>         /* avoid overflowing 31 bits by doing a divide by 100 first,
>            then dividing by only 10000 at the end */
>         int targetFrames = (delta / 100) * SAMPLES_PER_SEC / N_SAMPLES / 10000;
>         if(framesPlayed <= targetFrames){
>            playFrame = 1;
>            osPrintf("* case 2: framePlayed: %i, targetFrames: %i\n",framesPlayed, targetFrames);
>         }
>         if(delta > 1000000)
>         {
>            start.tv_sec++;
>            /* SAMPLES_PER_SEC should be an integer multiple of N_SAMPLES... */
>            framesPlayed -= SAMPLES_PER_SEC / N_SAMPLES;
>         }
>      }
>      if(MpMisc.pSpkQ->receive((OsMsg*&) pMsg, OsTime::NO_WAIT) == OS_SUCCESS)
>      {
>         ob = (MpBufPtr) pMsg->getTag();
>         assert(ob != NULL);
>         if(playFrame)
>         {
>            int played = 0;
>            Sample* buffer = MpBuf_getSamples(ob);
>            /* copy the buffer for skip protection */
>            memcpy(&last_buffer[N_SAMPLES / 2], &buffer[N_SAMPLES / 2], BUFLEN / 2);
>            sem_wait(&write_sem);
>            while(played < N_SAMPLES)
>            {
>               int justWritten;
>               justWritten = write(soundCard, &buffer[played], BUFLEN - (played * sizeof(Sample)));
>               assert(justWritten > 0);
>               played += justWritten/sizeof(Sample);
>            }
>            sem_post(&read_sem);
>            osPrintf("Package done\n");
>            assert(played == N_SAMPLES);
>            framesPlayed++;
>         }
>         else
>            osPrintf("soundCardWriter dropping sound packet\n");
>         MpBuf_delRef(ob);
>         pMsg->releaseMsg();
>      }
>      else if(playFrame)
>      {
>         int played = 0;
>         //osPrintf("soundCardWriter smoothing over audio delay\n");
>         /* play half of the last sample backwards, then forward again */
>         for(int i = 0; i != N_SAMPLES / 2; i++)
>            last_buffer[i] = last_buffer[N_SAMPLES - i - 1];
>         sem_wait(&write_sem);
>         while(played < N_SAMPLES)
>         {
>            int justWritten;
>            justWritten = write(soundCard, &last_buffer[played], BUFLEN - (played * sizeof(Sample)));
>            assert(justWritten > 0);
>            played += justWritten/sizeof(Sample);
>         }
>         osPrintf("Package done\n");
>         sem_post(&read_sem);
>         assert(played == N_SAMPLES);
>      }
>   }
>   osPrintf(" ***********STOP!**********\n");
>   return NULL;
>static void startAudioSupport(void)
>   int res;
>   pthread_t thread;
>   soundCard = setupSoundCard();
>   if(soundCard == -1)
>      return;
>   /* OsMsgPool setup */
>   MpBufferMsg* pMsg = new MpBufferMsg(MpBufferMsg::AUD_RECORDED);
>   DmaMsgPool = new OsMsgPool("DmaTask", *(OsMsg*)pMsg,
>         40, 60, 100, 5,
>         OsMsgPool::SINGLE_CLIENT);
>   /* let the read thread go first */
>   sem_init(&write_sem, 0, 0);
>   sem_init(&read_sem, 0, 1);
>   /* Start the reader and writer threads */
>   res = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, soundCardReader, NULL);
>   assert(res == 0);
>   pthread_detach(thread);
>   res = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, soundCardWriter, NULL);
>   assert(res == 0);
>   pthread_detach(thread);
>static void stopAudioSupport(void)
>   if (soundCard != -1)
>   {
>      /* make sure the threads aren't wedged */
>      sem_post(&read_sem);
>      sem_post(&write_sem);
>      close(soundCard);
>      soundCard = -1;
>      sem_destroy(&read_sem);
>      sem_destroy(&write_sem);
>   }
>/* Now the OS-specific sections... */
>#ifdef __linux__ /* [ */
>#include <sys/types.h>
>#include <sys/soundcard.h>
>static int setupSoundCard(void)
>   int res, fd;
>   int fragment = 0x00040008; /* magic number, reduces latency (0x0004 dma buffers of 2 ^ 0x0008 = 256 bytes each) */
>   int samplesize = BITS_PER_SAMPLE;
>   int stereo = 0; /* mono */
>   int speed = SAMPLES_PER_SEC;
>   fd = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDWR);
>   if(fd == -1)
>   {
>      osPrintf("OSS: could not open /dev/dsp; *** NO SOUND! ***\n");
>      return -1;
>   }
>   res = ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SETDUPLEX, 0);
>   if(res == -1)
>   {
>      osPrintf("OSS: could not set full duplex; *** NO SOUND! ***\n");
>      close(fd);
>      return -1;
>   }
>   res = ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT, &fragment);
>   if(res == -1)
>   {
>      osPrintf("OSS: could not set fragment size; *** NO SOUND! ***\n");
>      close(fd);
>      return -1;
>   }
>   res = ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SAMPLESIZE, &samplesize);
>   if(res == -1 || samplesize != BITS_PER_SAMPLE)
>   {
>      osPrintf("OSS: could not set sample size; *** NO SOUND! ***\n");
>      close(fd);
>      return -1;
>   }
>   res = ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_STEREO, &stereo);
>   if(res == -1)
>   {
>      osPrintf("OSS: could not set single channel audio; *** NO SOUND! ***\n");
>      close(fd);
>      return -1;
>   }
>   res = ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED, &speed);
>   if(res == -1 || abs(speed - SAMPLES_PER_SEC) > SAMPLES_PER_SEC / 200) /* allow .5% variance */
>   {
>      osPrintf("OSS: could not set sample speed; *** NO SOUND! ***\n");
>      close(fd);
>      return -1;
>   }
>   osPrintf("OSS: /dev/dsp opened OK, %dHz %d-bit %s\n", speed, samplesize, (stereo==1) ? "stereo" : "mono");
>   /* Make sure the sound card has the capabilities we need */
>   res = AFMT_QUERY;
>   ioctl(fd ,SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT, &res);
>   if(res != AFMT_S16_LE)
>   {
>      osPrintf("OSS: could not set sample format; *** NO SOUND! ***\n");
>      close(fd);
>      return -1;
>   }
>   ioctl(fd, SNDCTL_DSP_GETCAPS, &res);
>   if(!(res & DSP_CAP_DUPLEX))
>   {
>      osPrintf("OSS: could not set full duplex; *** NO SOUND! ***\n");
>      close(fd);
>      return -1;
>   }
>   return fd;
>#elif defined(sun) /* ] [ */
>#include <sys/audio.h>
>int setupSoundCard(void)
>   int res, fd;
>   audio_info_t info;
>   fd = open("/dev/audio", O_RDWR);
>   if(fd == -1)
>   {
>      osPrintf("SUN: could not open /dev/audio; *** NO SOUND! ***\n");
>      return -1;
>   }
>   res = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(soundCard, F_GETFL) & ~O_NONBLOCK);
>   if(res == -1)
>   {
>      osPrintf("SUN: could not set blocking I/O; *** NO SOUND! ***\n");
>      close(fd);
>      return -1;
>   }
>   AUDIO_INITINFO(&info);
> = 1; /* mono */
>   info.record.sample_rate = SAMPLES_PER_SEC;
>   info.record.channels = 1; /* mono */
>   info.record.precision = BITS_PER_SAMPLE;
>   info.record.encoding = AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR;
>   res = ioctl(soundCard, AUDIO_SETINFO, &info);
>   if(res == -1)
>   {
>      osPrintf("SUN: could not set audio parameters; *** NO SOUND! ***\n");
>      close(fd);
>      return -1;
>   }
>   return fd;
>#else /* ] [ */
>#warning No POSIX sound driver available; building only the dummy sound driver.
>OsStatus dmaStartup(int samplesPerFrame)
>void dmaShutdown(void)
>#endif /* __linux__, sun ] */
>#endif /* _INCLUDE_AUDIO_SUPPORT ] */
>#ifdef _JITTER_PROFILE /* [ */
>/* determines first the CPU frequency which is then stored in a global
>   variable ( cpu_hz) which is needed to get accurate timing information
>   through the Pentium RDTSC instruction
>unsigned long cpuSpeed(void)
>   FILE *cpuinfo;
>   char entry[128];
>   unsigned long speed;
>   cpuinfo = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo","r");
>   if (cpuinfo == NULL)
>   {
>      osPrintf("cpuSpeed - Unable to open \"/proc/cpuinfo\"\n");
>      return 0;
>   }
>   while (TRUE)
>   {
>      // Read /proc/cpuinfo entries until "cpu MHz" line is found.
>      if (fgets(entry, 127, cpuinfo) == NULL) break;
>      if(!memcmp(entry, "cpu MHz", 7))
>      {
>         // Entry found, read speed.
>         speed = atoi(&entry[10]);
>         fclose (cpuinfo);
>         osPrintf("cpuSpeed - CPU Speed = %luMHz\n", speed);
>         return speed;
>      }
>   }
>   // Unable to find CPU Speed info!
>   fclose (cpuinfo);
>   osPrintf("cpuSpeed - Unable to determind CPU Speed!\n");
>   return 0;
>// Return the elapsed time in milliseconds since the CPU came out of reset.
>// The value is determined by reading the Pentium Realtime Stamp Counter
>// and then factoring in the actual speed of the target CPU.
>unsigned long long getRDTSC()
>   unsigned long long rdtsc;
>   __asm__ volatile (".byte 0x0f, 0x31" : "=A" (rdtsc));
>   return (rdtsc / targetCpuSpeed);
>#endif /* _JITTER_PROFILE ] */
>#endif /* __use_alsa_on_posix__ ] */
>#endif /* __pingtel_on_posix__ ] */

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