Compilation problem using KPartsGenericPart

Holger Tasch holger.tasch at
Wed Apr 26 10:39:47 BST 2006

Hello list,

I'm using KDevelop version 3.3.2 (KDE 3.5.2) on Kubuntu Dapper. In the 
Designer view I'm offered a widget called KPartsGenericPart, which 
displays fine in the designer if I enter a url and matching mimetype (the 
address of a html page and "text/html" in my case). Anyway if I try to 
compile the project, I get:
testwidgetbase.cpp:17:24: Fehler: partplugin.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis 
nicht gefunden
(= file or directory not found)
and accordingly:
testwidgetbase.cpp:38: Fehler: invalid use of undefined type »struct 
[more often...]
In fact the file partplugin.h is missing from my system and I am 
wondering whether this is a packaging problem or I am missing something 
in the use of KPartsGenericPart. 
Anybody has an idea where I can get this header file from (possibly a 
Debian or Ubuntu package I forgot?), or how else I can get around this 


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