kdevelop and distribution of project to other platforms...

matthew studley Matthew2.Studley at uwe.ac.uk
Wed Sep 14 15:55:28 BST 2005

I've solved my problem

autoreconf -i -f -v
./configure CXX=icpc



On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 13:34 +0100, matthew studley wrote:
> hi all
> I'm a newcomer to kdevelop, and the autotools.
> I have created the 'hello world' project.  I'm running kdevelop (v3.2.0)
> on my desktop.  No problem.
> I now want to distribute and install on another machine, a supercomputer
> where I have to use icc as the c++ compiler.
> I have used menu>Project>Distribute to create a gzipp'd tarball.
> I unpacked that on the destination machine, and ran aclocal, autoconf
> and automake -af 
> Automake complained about a missing ltmain.sh (so I sent it over by
> ftp).
> ./configure; make correctly built everything... but using g++.
> Please tell me; How do I specify that I want to use icc, not g++?  I
> presume I have to set and export an environment variable?
> regards
> Matt 

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