Widget to draw lines in exist?

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas amilcar at ida.ing.tu-bs.de
Mon Mar 7 13:38:15 GMT 2005

On Monday 07 March 2005 13:43, wathavy wathavy wrote:
> I want to add related query.
> I also wondered at skelton program with KDE.
> Are there way to draw lines in client area?
> When you create new project with
> [C++]-[KDE]-[Application Framework]
> You can have client area white  where
> one seem to have somewhat like this.
> void appfrm01View::print(QPainter *p, int height, int
> width)
> {
>     // do the actual printing, here
>      p->drawText( 0, 0, "Text Drawn\n", 20, NULL);
> }
> Of course the above is activated when you
> press "Print" menu. but I wonder if there is
> a way to say.
> void appfrm01View::paint(QPainter *p, ....)
> {
>      p->moveTo(0,0);
>      p->drawLine(100,100, Heavy_line, pen_solid);
> }
> Thank you for your attention.
You should ask your questions on kde-devel mailing list, there are more 
developers there than here.

And the developers of KDevelop do not draw stuff with it.
Amilcar Lucas
Current webmaster
The KDevelop project

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