kdevelop & qt 4

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Aug 30 10:15:50 BST 2005

On 29.Aug 2005 - 18:11:38, Imran Akbar wrote:
> Hi, I've tried installing the latest kdevelop 3.2.9 with qt 4 support, but 
> it can't find the qt installation directory, even when i specifically point 
> to it with --with-qt-dir=....
> does anyone know how i can fix this?

I don't think that even the latest kdevelop 3.X can be compiled against
qt4, so you have to use qt3 to compile it. But you can choose to work on
qt4 projects, that is you have a "Qt" tab under C++ Settings in the
Project Settings dialog.

kdevelop4 will AFAIK be built with KDE4/QT4, but that is far away still.


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