python and C in one project

Rochus Schmid rochus.schmid at
Tue Aug 23 18:35:20 BST 2005


for a scientific computation code i am using python and C (i find this
actually perfect) and swig as a glue.

currently is use cervisia as my cvs frontend and xemacs for editing. the
C part is compiled (using make) into .so libs.
now i wanted to try out Kdevelop for this and import everything into a
standard C project using my own Makefiles.

It seems I can either generate a scripting project with all the python
files (C files are not part of the project files) or a C project (with
all the python files not part of the project).
I couldnt figure out how to "import" or "add" python script files into a
C project. I read soemwehre, that a *.kdevelop.filelist would specify
all files belonging to a project. Is that the only way? Am I missing

I didnt find anything particular on mixed language projects (with one
compiled (C,C++) and one scripting language (python or whatever) in the
lists archives, the FAQs or by googling.

Can anyone point me to the right source of info? thanks a lot.



Dr. Rochus Schmid
Lehrstuhl für Anorganische Chemie II
Organometallics and Materials Chemistry
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
D-44780 Bochum

Tel.:    ++49(234) 32 24166
Fax:    ++49(234) 32 14174
Email: rochus.schmid at

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