[SOLVED] Re: correctly linked cross-references

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Nov 19 20:05:41 GMT 2004

On 19.Nov 2004 - 20:53:36, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Looks like its more a doxygen problem... If I use this syntax I get no
> references at all. 
> I'm not that familiar with doxygen, but I think the installdox file
> should have the %subst Field filled out if I use the syntax of
> tagfile=url, but it's not...

Damn, I should read the whole documentation and not just the examples.
Of course using

TAGFILES = /path/to/tagfile/qt.tag@/path/to/qt/html/dir

Works perfectly. I missed the Note about doxygen looking for the
tagfiles in $PWD if there is no path given.

Sorry for bothering the ML with this.


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