Cannot compile on Darwin (OS X)

Rich Cook rcook at
Tue Mar 2 22:51:09 GMT 2004

No, that's not the correct place, as they are doing an "Aqua" port and 
I am trying to just compile for X11/XFree86.  It's just a matter of why 
__yylex is undefined, nothing too mysterious, I would think?

On Mar 2, 2004, at 6:42 AM, Stefano Rosanelli wrote:

> Alle 03:01, martedì 2 marzo 2004, hai scritto:
>> Am I posting to the wrong list for this kind of question?  Has anyone
>> used Kdevelop on OS X?
> This is the correct list (IMHO) and the argument is really interesting,
> but I fear no one here is able to help you at the moment.
> You could contact these people:
> Ste
> -
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Richard Cook
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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phone (925) 423-9605 (work)    fax (925) 423-8704
Information Management & Graphics Grp., Services & Development Div., 
Integrated Computing & Communications Dept.
(opinions expressed herein are mine and not those of LLNL)

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