Kdevelop Flex & Bison

Alexander Dymo adymo at mksat.net
Wed Jun 23 16:36:13 BST 2004

On Wednesday 23 June 2004 09:36, quirin wrote:
> why mess around with flex, bison if there is antlr? i always wonder why
> there is no real antlr support in both qmake and automake manager :(
Not all languages could be described with LL(k) grammar which antlr
produce. Even when they could, left-factoring can be painful.

PS: if you want to use antlr with automake manager, just add a rule into
Makefile.am, for example:

MyLexer.hpp MyLexer.cpp MyParser.hpp MyParser.cpp: my.g
	antlr my.g

and add MyLexer.cpp and MyParser.cpp to a project.

Alexander Dymo
ICST Department, National University of Shipbuilding, Mykolayiv, Ukraine

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