Problem Compiling the CVS head

Jens Dagerbo jens.dagerbo at
Sun Jun 6 02:31:06 BST 2004

On Sunday 06 June 2004 05:55, Adolph & Sharon Weidanz wrote:
> Because of a feature I wnat to try, I dl'd the cvs head of Kdevelop.
> I've run into a problem with the compile. I've followed all directions
> and ./configure runs w/o error. I run make and have an error, when does
> the tar for opieapp it finds the files, but right after it untars them
> makes exits with an "tar:opieapp : Cannot stat : no such file or
> directory", yet when I look they are all present.
> Any ideas would be appreciated.
> BTW when I do a make -k it completes, but when I do a make -k install it
> dies and gives a pretty flaky kdevelop

Hmm.. the opie template should be perfectly safe to ignore.. are you sure 
you're not getting any other errors. KDevelop HEAD shouldn't be that 
"flakey", even if it is perhaps more so right now than for months.


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