how to add translations

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Dec 16 03:52:49 GMT 2004

On 16.Dec 2004 - 00:33:45, Amilcar do Carmo Lucas wrote:
> Please update your KDevelop. HEAD from CVS compiles fine today, so you might 
> as well try that.

To finally end this thread:

I needed to purge the Debian kdevelop, as the template files of that
still were used by the HEAD-Kdevelop. After that compiling and
installing kdevelop in my $HOME worked fine (and as a plus I have vcs
during project creation again :-) 

I then did as reported in the other thread, basically creating a new
project, get the old source files and run autotools+configure.

I found a Bug in the of the src dir, the messages target
is "broken" because the first command has 7 spaces instead of a tab in
messages: rc.cpp
       $(EXTRACTRC) `find . -name \*.ui -o -name \*.rc` > rc.cpp

But after fixing that, now translation creation works fine. I
personally do not care about separation of compiled and source files
for this project.

For people who do care I'd suggest using debug/optimize targets and
create a tarball from the project when they want to get translation
started and do translation on the extracted tarball.


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