how to add translations

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Dec 8 13:32:30 GMT 2004

On 08.Dec 2004 - 09:13:25, Heimburg, Anno von wrote:
> Hi Andreas!
> >How do I add multi-language support using kdevelop3?
> You need to use the proper macros/functions when programming your app. For a KDE app, all translatable strings have to be wrapped in I18N(), e.g.

According to kdevelop Handbook ist "i18n()" but anyway, I do this
already. But I do not get a .pot file for my app. When I use "create
translation" from the project menu I get an empty $lang.po file :-(

Also I've got a .rc file with text which should automagically use the
proper macros/functions and still...
> Upon compilation, the proper po files will be created. The QT way fo doing things is a bit different, IIRC. Refer to the doc of the i18n library of your choice for more info.

There is nothing generated in $project/po or $project/debug/po or
anywhere else in the project directory.

I tried various things to get some translation working, but nothing
works except for the "make -f admin/Makefile.common package-messages".
This gives a $project/po/$projectname.pot, but even then creating a
translation with kdevelop3 menu entry gives me empty .po files.


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