kdevelop 3.1.1 crash when open any qmake projekt
Anders Sandholm
asandholm at spray.se
Tue Dec 7 20:23:13 GMT 2004
I use kdevelop 3.1.1 (debian package), and everything has worked
perfect, but now everytime I try to open a qmake projekt (even create a
new one), kdevelop just crashes with the signal 11 cod (SIGSEGV)
Have anybody an idé? I think it is the "QGArray::at: Absolute index 0
out of range" that is the core to the problem, but I am not sure and I
dont know how to fix it.
I submit the backtrace and the output in the bash windows.
*********** backtrace ************
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/libthread_db.so.1".
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread 16384 (LWP 31248)]
[New Thread 32769 (LWP 31250)]
[New Thread 32770 (LWP 31383)]
[KCrash handler]
#6 0x40f4bae9 in KStyle::drawComplexControl () from
#7 0x41b87f9a in KeramikStyle::drawComplexControl ()
from /usr/lib/kde3/plugins/styles/keramik.so
#8 0x412a94f9 in QListViewItem::paintBranches () from
#9 0x412aad8c in QListView::drawContentsOffset () from
#10 0x412dfd7e in QScrollView::viewportPaintEvent ()
from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#11 0x40afdbd4 in KListView::viewportPaintEvent () from
#12 0x412df794 in QScrollView::eventFilter () from
#13 0x412addc8 in QListView::eventFilter () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#14 0x411c7e5e in QObject::activate_filters () from
#15 0x411c7d8c in QObject::event () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#16 0x4120060f in QWidget::event () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#17 0x4116dbcf in QApplication::internalNotify () from
#18 0x4116d1ce in QApplication::notify () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#19 0x40d34da3 in KApplication::notify () from /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.4
#20 0x4113759d in QWidget::repaint () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#21 0x41201861 in QWidget::repaint () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#22 0x412acf01 in QListView::updateContents () from
#23 0x4151b4c7 in QListView::qt_invoke () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#24 0x40b01ad4 in KListView::qt_invoke () from /usr/lib/libkdeui.so.4
#25 0x411ca52c in QObject::activate_signal () from
#26 0x411ca354 in QObject::activate_signal () from
#27 0x4150a27b in QTimer::timeout () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#28 0x411ebd42 in QTimer::event () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#29 0x4116dbcf in QApplication::internalNotify () from
#30 0x4116d1ce in QApplication::notify () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#31 0x40d34da3 in KApplication::notify () from /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.4
#32 0x4115d405 in QEventLoop::activateTimers () from
#33 0x41116c4b in QEventLoop::processEvents () from
#34 0x4117ff28 in QEventLoop::enterLoop () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#35 0x4117fdd8 in QEventLoop::exec () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#36 0x4116de21 in QApplication::exec () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#37 0x0806282a in ?? ()
#38 0xbffff9a0 in ?? ()
#39 0x081546f8 in ?? ()
#40 0xbffff8f0 in ?? ()
#41 0x00000001 in ?? ()
#42 0x00000000 in ?? ()
#43 0x00000001 in ?? ()
#44 0x08093ba0 in _IO_stdin_used ()
#45 0x080933f3 in _IO_stdin_used ()
#46 0x080933db in _IO_stdin_used ()
#47 0x080933c1 in _IO_stdin_used ()
#48 0x0006d8b5 in ?? ()
#49 0x30356460 in ?? ()
#50 0x40355c70 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libkjs.so.1
#51 0xbffff91c in ?? ()
#52 0x000076fb in ?? ()
#53 0x080ad0e8 in ?? ()
#54 0x4035ca3b in ?? () from /usr/lib/libkjs.so.1
#55 0x00000001 in ?? ()
#56 0xbffff910 in ?? ()
#57 0x00000000 in ?? ()
#58 0x41610620 in vtable for QGArray () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#59 0x00000000 in ?? ()
#60 0x4035e134 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libkjs.so.1
#61 0x40356e40 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libkjs.so.1
#62 0x41610620 in vtable for QGArray () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
#63 0x089efe10 in ?? ()
#64 0x418be410 in ?? () from /lib/libc.so.6
#65 0xbffff960 in ?? ()
#66 0x4169cf7e in __pthread_alt_unlock () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#67 0x418cbdc6 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/libc.so.6
#68 0x08061c21 in ?? ()
*********** bash output ************
kdevelop (core): [virtual void PartController::editDocument(const KURL&,
int, it)] file:/home/andsa/tutorial/qttest/qttest.kdevelop linenum -1
kdevelop (core): mimeType = application/x-kdevelop
kdevelop (core): factory = 0x8a76d00
kdevelop (core): Encoding: , extension: 0x8ae9538
kdevelop3: void MainWindow::slotViewActivated(KMdiChildView*)
kdevelop3: slotCurrentChanged***********************************+
kdevelop (core): *** found "set_confdlg" action - unplugging
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged() -- OK
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ===> Changing dir to /home/andsa/tutorial/qttest
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::setDirectory()
kdevelop3: ===> part is 0
kdevelop (history): HistoryPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (history): history-length=1
qeditor: CppSupportPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ClassViewPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (cpp support): CppCodeCompletion::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (cpp support): CppCodeCompletion::slotActivePartChanged() --
kdevelop (cpp support): =================> integrate document: 0x8a7b710
kdevelop (cpp support): enabling code completion
kdevelop (core): PartController::contextPopupMenu() will return
[KPopupMenu poiter (0x8248be0) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): EditorProxy::installPopup called with popup =
[KPopupMenu poiner (0x8248be0) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting loadedFile
kdevelop (history): history-length=0
qeditor: CppSupportPart::partRemoved()
kdevelop (cpp support): ProblemReporter::slotPartRemoved()
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ===> Changing dir to /home/andsa/tutorial/qttest
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::setDirectory()
kdevelop3: ===> part is 0
kdevelop (history): HistoryPart::activePartChanged()
qeditor: CppSupportPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ClassViewPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (cpp support): CppCodeCompletion::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (core): pDock already destroyed!!
kdevelop (core): MainWindowShare::slotActionStatusText() - Generate a
new projet from a template
kdevelop (core): MainWindowShare::slotActionStatusText() - Open project
kdevelop3: subversion : savePartialProjectSession
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting project closed
kdevelop (core): CvsPart::slotProjectClosed() here!
kdevelop (cvs interface): Project has no CVS Support: too bad!! :-(
kdevelop3: subversion :projectClosed
kdevelop (doc tree view): No Project....
kdevelop (cpp support): projectClosed( )
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ===> Changing dir to /home/andsa/tutorial/qttest
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::setDirectory()
kdevelop3: ===> part is 0
kdevelop (history): HistoryPart::activePartChanged()
qeditor: CppSupportPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ClassViewPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (cpp support): CppCodeCompletion::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (debugger): GDBController::slotStopDebugger() called
kdevelop (debugger): Disassemble widget active: false
kdevelop3: [virtual ConfigWidgetProxy::~ConfigWidgetProxy()]
kdevelop3: [virtual ConfigWidgetProxy::~ConfigWidgetProxy()]
kdevelop (file view): FileTreeWidget::~FileTreeWidget()
kdevelop (file view): StdFileTreeWidgetImpl::~StdFileTreeWidgetImpl()
kdevelop (file view): FileTreeViewWidgetImpl::~FileTreeViewWidgetImpl()
kdevelop3: [virtual ConfigWidgetProxy::~ConfigWidgetProxy()]
kdevelop (cpp support): DistpartPart::~DistpartPart()
kdevelop (core): pDock already destroyed!!
kdevelop3: [virtual ConfigWidgetProxy::~ConfigWidgetProxy()]
kdevelop (cpp support): projectClosed( )
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ===> Changing dir to /home/andsa/tutorial/qttest
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::setDirectory()
kdevelop3: ===> part is 0
kdevelop (history): HistoryPart::activePartChanged()
qeditor: CppSupportPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (cpp support): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BG PARSER DESTROYED
kdevelop (cpp support): BackgroundParser::removeAllFiles()
kdevelop (core): Looing for CreateFile support
kdevelop3: [ConfigWidgetProxy::ConfigWidgetProxy(KDevCore*)]
kdevelop (core): icon = 0x8a09cf0
kdevelop (core): CreateFile support loaded OK
kdevelop (core): Looking for language support for C++
kdevelop (core): icon = 0x8855fa8
kdevelop (core): projectDir: /home/andsa/tutorial/guitest projectName:
kdevelop (trollproject): Parsing
kdevelop (trollproject): Parsing
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevdistpart
kdevelop (cpp support): DistpartPart::DistpartPart()
kdevelop3: New Statefalse
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevBookmarks
kdevelop (core): icon = 0x8360650
kdevelop3: [ConfigWidgetProxy::ConfigWidgetProxy(KDevCore*)]
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevClassView
kdevelop (core): icon = 0x88137a8
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevCTags
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevQuickOpen
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevClearCase
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevFileGroups
kdevelop (core): icon = 0x88e45f8
kdevelop3: [ConfigWidgetProxy::ConfigWidgetProxy(KDevCore*)]
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevDebugger
kdevelop (core): icon = 0x89a43d8
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part
kdevelop (core): ignoreParts because Keyword doesn't match:
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevDoxygen
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevPerforce
kdevelop (core): -----------------------------> load part KDevFileView
kdevelop (file view): Requested FileTree for:
kdevelop (file view): FileTreeViewWidgetImpl::FileTreeViewWidgetImpl()
kdevelop (file view): StdFileTreeWidgetImpl::StdFileTreeWidgetImpl()
kdevelop (core): icon = 0x89eae08
kdevelop3: [ConfigWidgetProxy::ConfigWidgetProxy(KDevCore*)]
kdevelop (file view): FileTreeWidget::openDirectory():
kdevelop (file view): files added to project: 3
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (file view): MyFileTreeViewItem::hideOrShow():
kdevelop (core): [virtual void PartController::editDocument(const KURL&,
int, it)] file:/home/andsa/tutorial/guitest/src/main.cpp linenum 0
kdevelop (core): mimeType = text/x-c++src
kdevelop (core): factory = 0x875c640
kdevelop (core): Encoding: , extension: 0x8b70878
kdevelop3: void MainWindow::slotViewActivated(KMdiChildView*)
kdevelop3: slotCurrentChanged***********************************+
kdevelop (core): *** found "set_confdlg" action - unplugging
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (abbrev): AbbrevPart::slotActivePartChanged() -- OK
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ===> Changing dir to /home/andsa/tutorial/guitest/src
kdevelop3: KonsoleViewWidget::setDirectory()
kdevelop3: ===> part is 0
kdevelop (history): HistoryPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (history): history-length=1
qeditor: CppSupportPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop3: ClassViewPart::activePartChanged()
kdevelop (core): PartController::contextPopupMenu() will return
[KPopupMenu poiter (0x8248be0) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): EditorProxy::installPopup called with popup =
[KPopupMenu poiner (0x8248be0) to widget rb_popup,
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting loadedFile
kdevelop3: subversion : restorePartialProjectSession
kdevelop (core): dcop emitting project opened
kdevelop (core): CvsPart::slotProjectOpened() here!
kdevelop (cvs interface): Project has no CVS Support: too bad!! :-(
kdevelop3: subversion :projectOpened
kdevelop (grep view): GrepViewPart::projectOpened()
kdevelop (cpp support): projectOpened( )
kdevelop (cpp support): CppSupportPart::setupCatalog()
kdevelop (cpp support): ProblemReporter::configure()
kdevelop (cpp support): =================> integrate document: 0x89be0c0
kdevelop (cpp support): enabling code completion
kdevelop (cpp support): CppCodeCompletion::slotActivePartChanged()
kdevelop (cpp support): CppCodeCompletion::slotActivePartChanged() --
kdevelop (cpp support): CppSupportPart::customEvent(2000)
kdevelop (cpp support): CppCodeCompletion::computeRecoveryPoints
kdevelop (cpp support): found 1 recovery points
QGArray::at: Absolute index 0 out of range
KCrash: Application 'kdevelop3' crashing...
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