Kdevelop & multiple binaries & integrated debugger ?

Erwan Becquet becquet at cnam.fr
Fri Apr 16 16:05:20 BST 2004

Hi everybody,

my problem is quite simple,
I use Kdevelop for a MICO corba project
and my application is made of four or five
binary targets I start. Thus, in 'run' of project
options, I start a script which start all my

Problem is when I try to use the debugger,
using 'attach a process' submenu, it start
gdb with the script name as parameter,
which is not what I want to do. Is there a
way to specify a target for gdb different
of the run one ?

Or is there any other way to use the integrated
debugger in such a case with mutliple bins ?

Thanks in advance.

-- --
("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._ Erwan Becquet
 `6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`) Doctorant CNAM
(_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `.``-..-' Systemes
 (il),-'' (li),' ((!.-' becquet at cnam.fr

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