Crashes when using QPtrList

Martin Bammer e9525103 at
Mon May 19 23:48:48 BST 2003


when I use the following code:

for (..) {
	QPtrList<float> maxList;
	for (...) {
		maxList.append(new float(fvalue));

at 90% a SEGFAULT is the result:

[New Thread 16384 (LWP 7530)]
[New Thread 32769 (LWP 7533)]
[New Thread 16386 (LWP 7534)]
0x40dadaf9 in wait4 () from /lib/
#0  0x40dadaf9 in wait4 () from /lib/
#1  0x40e20f60 in sys_sigabbrev () from /lib/
#2  0x40cae061 in waitpid () from /lib/
#3  0x403f5348 in KCrash::defaultCrashHandler(int) ()
   from /usr/lib/
#4  0x40d3a9c8 in sigaction () from /lib/
#5  0x40a2f7d4 in QGList::clear() () from /usr/lib/
#6  0x08054395 in QPtrList<float>::clear() (this=0xbffff110)
    at /usr/share/qt3/include/qptrlist.h:78
#7  0x08054322 in ~QPtrList (this=0xbffff110)
    at /usr/share/qt3/include/qptrlist.h:55
#8  0x080542a8 in DoFFT::shot() (this=0x80ef0a8) at dofft.cpp:661
#9  0x080586a5 in KSpion::shotSlot() (this=0x80eee80) at kspion.cpp:602
#10 0x0806480b in KSpionMainDialog::qt_invoke(int, QUObject*) (this=0x80eee80, 
    _id=71, _o=0xbffff3f0) at uimaindialog.moc:212
#11 0x08065304 in KSpion::qt_invoke(int, QUObject*) (this=0x80eee80, _id=71, 
    _o=0xbffff3f0) at kspion.moc.cpp:216
#12 0x4080f132 in QObject::activate_signal(QConnectionList*, QUObject*) ()
   from /usr/lib/
#13 0x4080efef in QObject::activate_signal(int) () from /usr/lib/
#14 0x40a7bdfc in QButton::clicked() () from /usr/lib/
#15 0x40883480 in QButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*) ()
   from /usr/lib/
#16 0x4083c4ab in QWidget::event(QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/
#17 0x407bb1be in QApplication::internalNotify(QObject*, QEvent*) ()
   from /usr/lib/
#18 0x407baa76 in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) ()
   from /usr/lib/
#19 0x4039284b in KApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) ()
   from /usr/lib/
#20 0x40769af6 in QETWidget::translateMouseEvent(_XEvent const*) ()
   from /usr/lib/
#21 0x40767937 in QApplication::x11ProcessEvent(_XEvent*) ()
   from /usr/lib/
#22 0x4077a6b9 in QEventLoop::processEvents(unsigned) ()
   from /usr/lib/
#23 0x407cc77b in QEventLoop::enterLoop() () from /usr/lib/
#24 0x407cc638 in QEventLoop::exec() () from /usr/lib/
#25 0x407bb3b8 in QApplication::exec() () from /usr/lib/
#26 0x0805d5d8 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffd24) at main.cpp:52

What is wrong here? It's very likely a bug in my code, but where??? I don't 
understand these crashes...

Greetings, Martin

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