David Wartel
dwartel at ulb.ac.be
Tue Mar 25 15:52:42 GMT 2003
On Tue, 2003-03-25 at 16:36, Stephen Dzurenko wrote:
I am using KDevelop 2.1.4.
What text editor does KDevelop use? Can I configure it to use a
different editor, like nedit?
I am having trouble figuring out how to do simple things in the editor,
like jumping to a specific line. Does anyone know how to go to a
specific line in the code?
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WARTEL David / /\/ /\ / /\ /
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Chercheur ULB / / / / / / / / /
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Service Mecanique Analytique et CFAO / /_/ / /__ / /_/_ __ /
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(0032)-02/650 39 85 /_____/ //_/\ /_____/\/_/\
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email:dwartel at ulb.ac.be \_____\/ \_\/ \_____\/\_\/
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