KDevelop 3.0 PHP-tab bug

Sandy Meier smeier at kdevelop.org
Tue Jan 14 09:53:09 GMT 2003

Am Dienstag, 14. Januar 2003 08:00 schrieben Sie:
> When closing a PHP project Gideon does not close the generel "PHP" tab, and
> it will open multiple of these tabs when reopening the project.

Yes,its a bug. I hope that I will have the time to remove all not working 
stuff from the php plugin and fix some bugs.

> 	And I really wonder, what is the use of this PHP tab anyway? :)

its lists php compile errors, if you start a php script on a shell (with 
kdevelop). This features doesn't work correctly and as I don't have time 
anymore to finish it, I will uncomment it.

BTW: we still need a new developer for the php plugin.


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