KDevelop Setup and Makefiles with Gideon

Paul Scott pslist at ultrasw.com
Fri Jan 3 09:35:50 GMT 2003

In trying to sort out why I haven't been to build a simple project with 
KDevelop I have looked for a manual for 2.99.  I find a manual for 1.1 
at kdevelop.org and I find no manual as a part of my gideon 
installation.  I appreciate open source very much and I am not 
complaining - only desribing my present situation.

I had KDevelop Setup when I had 2.1.4 which the manual refers to when 
describing how the App wizard gets a makefile but my installation of 
gideon has no KDevelop Setup or Gideon Setup that I can find.  If it is 
Configure Gideon under Options I don't see where to set the makefile.

Now after a little playing around with a couple of simple projects one 
of which was converted by kdevprj2pdevelop gideon won't close after 
being opened from the KDE menu.

Thanks for any clues as to what documentation exists or what to do next.

Also thanks for any clues as to why I can't post directly to this list 
and can post by replying to a post I have receiving from the listserver. 
  I have always made sure the messages were sent from the subscribed 
address.  I have also gotten no response from the list owner even though 
s/he may be away.

I am running Gideon 2.99 from Ralf Nolden on KDE 3.1.0 (RC5) on Debian 

TIA for any help.

Paul Scott

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