Question about word wrap, Kate, and KDevelop

John A. Sullivan III john.sullivan at
Wed Dec 31 20:06:04 GMT 2003

On Wed, 2003-12-31 at 13:08, Geoff wrote:
> Hmm...sounds messy - I guess I'll just wait for the official 3.2 release then.
> Thanks,
> -g
> Jens Dagerbo wrote:
> > On Monday 29 December 2003 19.39, Geoffrey Huang wrote:
> > 
> >>Hi there,
> >>
> >>A while back I reported Bug 63342, which is supposedly a resolved bug in
> >>Kate. I've updated my KDevelop to 3.0.0b2, and I'm still seeing the
> >>problem.  Do I have to update Kate as well to make the problem go away?
> > 
> > 
> > Yes, as the problem was in the kate component, you'll need to update Kate to 
> > get the fix.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >>Is there any way to update just the Kate component (and not all of KDE)?
> > 
> > 
> > I think that would be somewhere between hard and difficult.. ;) Kate-HEAD 
> > requires kdelibs-HEAD so less than updating kdelibs to KDE-3.2 I doubt will 
> > work.
> > 
> > 
	This has been a real problem for me.  I've had to pull back over 10,000
lines of code from CVS after these crashes corrupted my files.  Yet I
did not want to live in the KDE 3.2 world before its official release.
	Thus I opted to use the QDesigner editor (chosen from the KDevelop
configuration screen. It's problematic but I suppose it is the lesser of
the two evils.  It crashes but not nearly as often.  It literally makes
mistakes (try using Ctl-Z to undo and watch characters magically
appear!) and it never seems to want to remember that I want my tabs to
be four spaces instead of eight.  Parsing can take forever for
	I don't know if it will work better for you but I'm living with it for
now and eagerly awaiting 3.2 - John
John A. Sullivan III
Chief Technology Officer
Nexus Management
+1 207-985-7880
john.sullivan at
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