Strange behavior on Red Hat 7.3 and KDevelop 2.1.3

John Dubchak johndubchak at
Thu Sep 5 04:26:10 BST 2002


I have RH7.3 installed with the default gcc2.96-112 and KDevelop 2.1.3 
downloaded as an RPM from the Red Hat site.  I set up a simple project with 
around 15 class files and a simple main.cpp test driver application.

I wrapped all of the classes in include guards (#ifndef #endif) and am getting 
a great number of the functions in the these classes as multiply defined 
symbols when I try to perform a build.

I should mention that I'm using namespaces as well.

Does anyone have any insight into what might be causing this?

Thanks in advance.

BTW, I really appreciate everyone's efforts at making KDevelop the product it 
is.  It is a pleasure to work with it.

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