KDE Libs documentation

rocjoe rdealm2199 at rogers.com
Mon Oct 7 23:53:24 BST 2002

On Thursday 03 October 2002 03:09 pm, Ian Porter wrote:
> Hi all
> This may be a silly question, but since I have installed MD9.0 the KDE-Libs
> documentation has gone from the Book section of KDevelop, where the QT
> library documentation is, there is the normal KDevelop documentation but
> not the KDE libs documentation, have I missed a rpm somewhere ? or do I
> have to download the documentation ?

Yeah, I've scratched my head over this one before, although I can't recall if 
I read this somewhere or not but what you have to do is download a copy of 
the kdelibs CVS source then rebuild the documentation using the KDevelop 
Setup wizard.

Go here: http://developer.kde.org/source/anoncvs.html for instructions to 
downloading any KDE source from CVS.  At the bare minimum, you want to 
downIoad the source for "kdelibs", but you can download all the source if you 
have the time... I can't remember if it comes gzipped or not.  If so, you 
must unzip first.

Then start the setup wizard for KDevelop and when you get to the screen for 
building documentation just point it to the folder where you downloaded the 
kdelibs source and let it do its magic.

I think this way is pretty handy since this way you can always update the 
documentation youself as KDE's source changes.

Good luck,


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