Bug: Kdevelop crashes with SIGFPE when a member variable is added to a class via dialog box at math.ucl.ac.uk

Roland Krause rokrau at yahoo.com
Fri May 17 17:26:57 BST 2002

Any chance you can send us a backtrace or compile KDevelop with debug
option on?


--- Evgeniy Shapiro <shel at math.ucl.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using:
> KDE 3.0
> Qt 3.0.4
> Linux 2.4.17 + MOSIX patch (kdevelop is started from ext2, not MFS 
> partition, and it has no knowledge of MOSIX whatsoever)
> KDevelop 2.1 - the version that was distributed with KDE 3.0 in 
> slackware build.
> As far as I understand, it crashes each time there is an attempt to 
> write to a Kdevelop generated file (like class header or cpp file).
> I.e 
> if I create a C++ project, and check "generate sources and headers"
> it 
> will crash when I press Exit in project creation dialog. There is no 
> problem with writing to files that I created and imported into
> project. 
> or created in Kdevelop manually.
> Regards
> Evgeniy
> -
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