REPOST Qt 3 / KDevelop 2.1

August Hörandl august.hoerandl at
Thu May 2 23:19:08 BST 2002

Am Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2002 20:59 schrieben Sie:
> I am running KDevelop 2.1
> When I lauch KDevelop and attempt to create a new project, my
> choices do not include KDE 3 projects or Qt 3 projects. I can only
> choose KDE 2 and Qt 2.2 projects.
> I *must* assume KDevelop supports Qt3, but not according to my "New
> Project" wizard it doesn't.

ignore the message - you get a project with "the current 
qt/kde version"


August Hörandl                            august.hoerandl at
... Horrible bug encounterd. God knows what has happened.

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