kdevelop 2.1 crash

W. Tasin tasin at fhm.edu
Sat Mar 2 17:54:45 GMT 2002

Mathieu Chouinard wrote:

>On March 2, 2002 12:02 pm, you wrote:
>>I cannot reproduce this crash...
>>which kdevelop 2.1/qt 3/kde 3beta-version do you use? (cvs? how old is
>>it? is it qt-copy?)
>>Are there other circumstances, like free space on harddisc or project
>>dir is a symlink?
>Forgot to tell you that I'm trying to make a style project.
That was the important hint...
fixed in CVS :-)



The KDevelop project: tasin at kdevelop.de [www.kdevelop.org]
oohhh sveglia.... il mondo e' ammalato, ma x colpa di chi.........
:-------W. Tasin, FB 04,FHM-------------------PGP-KeyID:0x7961A645----------:
<Key-Fingerprint: 1610 835F 0080 32F4 6140  6CF7 A7D0 44CD 7961A645>

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