KDevelop bugs
Petr Lindovsky
lindovsky at gncz.cz
Mon Jul 1 13:06:14 BST 2002
I would like to report the following three bugs for KDevelop 2.1.1 (using KDE 2.2-11):
a) The class tree doesn't parse the following code correctly - the catch clause is shown as a function in the tree:
void f() try {
} catch(int) {
b) The class tree doesn't parse the following code correctly - the X::Y class is missing from the tree:
class X {
class Y;
class X::Y {};
b) The class tree does show the function A::B::g from the following code but it isn't able to bring you to its
namespace A {
namespace B{
void g() {}
Petr Lindovsky
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