RPM builds under Kdevelop 2.0.2

Tim Brodie tbrodie at displayworksinc.com
Tue Jan 29 18:08:11 GMT 2002

Tim Brodie wrote:
> I'm building an app from the ground up using KDevelop 2.0.2.  The
> project
> was originally wizarded from v2.0.1.
> I notice that if I try to use Project:Make Distribution:Build RPM
> Package
> the process dies on an error "There was an error in building the RPM."
> Is the RPM spec file managed by KDevelop, or does it expect the
> developer
> to manually manage it?

Sorry to be answering my own inquiry, but was this not an
appropriate question to this list?  It seems that there is
really no information provided in the documentation about
how to build either tarballs or rpms from within kdevelop.

Is there an assumption made that you will do this from
outside kdevelop, or most likely have I not set up kdevelop
properly for this project to generate these two forms
of distributions?

Is there a document I've missed on how to build a distribution
from a project constructed with kdevelop?

Generally, kdevelop is a tremendous IDE.  I'm just trying
to determine how best to distribute it's results.

Thanks for your help.

Tim Brodie
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