Feature request, and debugger bug
Simon Ejsing
simon at esoft.dk
Wed Aug 14 08:49:56 BST 2002
First I would like to see the possibilty of rearanging editor tab-pages in
the main editor window, so you could arrange your open cpp and h files to be
besides each others, or all the h files in the start and all the cpp files at
the end.
Second, there seems to be a bug in the internal debugger when breaking on
QComboBox's highlight signal... If the QComboBox is dropped down and you
highlight an element the program (including KDevelop) will hang, and I'll
have to switch to another terminal and kill it from there to make X respond
I'm currently using KDevelop 2.1.2 running under KDE 3.0.2 with Qt 3.0.4, but
the bug resides even when using Qt 3.0.5.
Med venlig hilsen
Simon Ejsing
Esoft ApS - Digital Developers
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