KCrash: crashing....

Andrej Trobentar andrej.trobentar at rikom.si
Sun Apr 21 21:50:48 BST 2002

F at lk Brettschneider wrote:
> Andrej Trobentar wrote:
>>Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
>>0x40d62f8c in QMenuData::insertAny () from /usr/lib/qt-2.3.2//lib/libqt.so.2
>>(gdb) bt
>>#0  0x40d62f8c in QMenuData::insertAny ()
>>     from /usr/lib/qt-2.3.2//lib/libqt.so.2
>>#1  0x40d63285 in QMenuData::insertItem ()
>>     from /usr/lib/qt-2.3.2//lib/libqt.so.2
>>#2  0x8110eee in CKDevelop::initMenuBar ()
>>#3  0x8110d45 in CKDevelop::initView ()
>>#4  0x810f91f in CKDevelop::CKDevelop ()
>>#5  0x811ce74 in main ()
>>#6  0x411533dd in __libc_start_main () from /lib/libc.so.6
>>What else can I try?
> please send us the output of 'ldd /opt/kde3/bin/kdevelop | grep qt'.
> Perhaps is your kdevelop linked against Qt2 *and* Qt3?

I don't have KDE 3 (or KDE 2.2.x) installed so I can't give you the 
above mentioned output. I tried this (maybe it helps) :

[root at pimp log]# ldd /usr/local/src/kde2src/kdevelop/kdevelop/kdevelop
$       not a dynamic executable
[root at pimp log]#

... where /usr/local/src/kde2src is the dir that the website says to 

I have only qt-2.3.2 installed and no other version :

[root at pimp log]# rpm -qa|grep qt
[root at pimp log]#

I also have this packages installed :

[root at pimp log]# rpm -qa|grep kde

I don't have KDE 2.2.2 base installed because Kdevelop 2.0.2 (RPM 
package) works without it. And because of that I assume that Kdevelop 
2.1 doesn't need them too - if it would the configure script would abort 
and it would tell a warning or something like that. Or am I wrong?

I have tried to compile Kdevelop 2.1 for KDE 2.2.x on too different 
machines (with exact steps listed on the web site), but in both cases I 
can't run it and it exits with a crash. I can't find a list of the 
packages that Kdevelop 2.1 for KDE 2.2.x needs so maybe I don't have all 
of them installed or I have the wrong version or ...

Sorry if I ask stupid questions but I'm a beginner in compiling such a 
"big" stuff =). Do you need any other information about my system?

Many thanks for your help and have a nice day,


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