Bug: Curser disappears when switching into Kdevelop

Roland Pabel pabel at tabu.uni-bonn.de
Thu Apr 18 12:46:34 BST 2002

On Thursday 18 April 2002 09:09, Falk Brettschneider wrote:
> Aha... I misunderstood you, too. :-) Yes, the described behaviour from
> above is indead a wrong one. Can you tell us a click sequence that 100%
> leads to this situation? Or does it happen only very sometimes?
> (Is the caption still correct in such case? Does copy%paste over views
> still correctly work then?)
Ok, I'll try to recognize what I do when it happens the next time. The truth 
is, that today is the second time I started KDevelop on my newly installed 
system. Up to now it worked flawlessly, the cursor focus stays in the editor, 
even when selecting files. (That's fine, and I guess this time, it is the 
correct behaviour :-) I'll write ASAP when I loose the visual cursor again. 
(It's not a lie that I had those errors yesterday - it's probably just 
Murphys Law that it is working again today...)
But there is another effekt that I would like you to ask about : There is this 
new "MDI-View-Taskbar" at the bottom. Since I'm not using it, I wanted to 
disable it, but it was not even actived in the "View"-menu. After enabling 
and disabling again, it went away. (that was all yesterday). Today, this 
taskbar is there again, and it is again not shown as enabled in the 
"View"-menu. So it seems, that KDevelop did not save this setting at all.
Could this be because my Project (and the configuration files) were created 
with an older KDevelop version? If someone could tell me where this should be 
in the config files, I could change it. (If this is a bug of some kind).
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GPG-Key 1024D/C969F3F2 2001-02-28 Roland Pabel <roland at pabel.net>
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