crash when saving
Johan Wessberg
johan.wessberg at
Thu Apr 18 11:31:07 BST 2002
I have the same problem; kdevelop crashes every time I try to save .h
file. Backtrace as an attachment.
Sammy, you can use the built-in signal handler that displays the crash
message. Backtrace is located at the second tab.
Johan Wessberg
Sammy Atmadja wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using kdevelop 2.1 (compiled from kdevelop-2.1-1.src.rpm) on a
> kde3/qt3 desktop. Kdevelop crashes every time i hit ctrl-s from a .h
> (header file) to save the file. This doesn't happen when saving other
> files. The files are saved ok, though. I know i'm not much help because
> i don't have any debugging info or backtraces to send to you. So please
> tell me how to build a rpm with debugging enabled.
> Sammy
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