Error when starting kdevelop-2.1

Andrej Trobentar andrej.trobentar at
Wed Apr 17 12:45:02 BST 2002

Harald Fernengel wrote:
> Hi,

Hello Harald,

>>I get the bellow mentioned error when starting Kdevelop 2.1 :
> [...]
> looks like a faulty KDE installation or non-matching libraries, for example 
> libraries from an earlier beta mixed with release packages.

I have deinstaled all the KDE 2.2.1 stuff with "rpm -qa|grep kde|xargs 
rpm -e" and also the qt stuff. I have downloaded the kdebase, kdelibs, 
kdelibs-devel, qt3 and some more stuff from the KDE ftp server, but when 
I tried to install KDE 3 I got some errors with the dependencies, so I 
tried to install it with the --nodeps and --replace-packages options 
like someone here suggested. I used this options because I don't want to 
upgrade my whole distribution just because I want to use a new version 
of KDevelop. But sadly it didn't work =(. I don't use KDE because I 
don't have such a good machine to run it (Pentium 233mmx and 128 MB RAM) 
so I use blackbox as my window manager and I'm very disapointed that I 
have to install all the KDE 3 stuff just to get KDevelop 2.1 working =(.

> Can you try to reinstall KDE3? Also, please don't run KDevelop as root but as 
> normal user...

Why should I run Kdevelop as a normal user? I don't think this is a 
security problem or?

Many thanks for your help and have a nice day,


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