
Bernd Klein berndklein at
Sat Sep 15 10:42:29 BST 2001

Am Samstag, 15. September 2001 01:50 schrieben Sie:
> Keeping in mind that I can't get KDevelop to search my docs, can anyone
> point me to any documentation on the XML used by createGUI ???
> TIA,
> Steven Suson
> "Keep the faith."
> -
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Hi Steven,

sorry i don't have any docs yet. But i send you a littel example for a small 
GUI. I hope it will help you.

<!DOCTYPE kpartqui>
<kpartgui name="kairfoil2">
    <Menu name = "airfoil_menu"><text>&Airfoil</text>
        <Action name="airfoil_chordlength"/>
        <Action name="airfoil_chamber"/>
        <Action name="airfoil_thickness"/>
        <Action name="airfoil_washout"/>
        <Action name="airfoil_ramp"/>
    <Menu name = "foambalsa_menu"><text>Foam+&Balsa</text>
        <Action name="foambalsa_sheet"/>
        <Action name="foambalsa_foam"/>
    <Menu name = "properties_menu"><text>&Properties</text>
        <Action name="properties_kairfoil"/>

    <Action name="airfoil_chordlength"/>
    <Action name="airfoil_chamber"/>
    <Action name="airfoil_thickness"/>
    <Action name="airfoil_washout"/>
    <Action name="airfoil_ramp"/>
    <Action name="foambalsa_sheet"/>
    <Action name="foambalsa_foam"/>

Greetings from North-Germany



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