Wishlist: save _all_ files upon compilation
Michael Uplawski
michael.uplawski at klar-gmbh.de
Tue May 22 13:12:11 BST 2001
This applies to KDevelop 1.4.1.
Maybe this is an old topic, but I could not find any references.
Jumping accross header- (template-) and "real" source-files, I tend
to forget which files I have already modified but not saved
afterwards. Instead of observing the floppy-icon for each possible
file, I would prefer, that KDevelop saved all files touched, upon
hitting "compile".
Otherwise errors reported might not correlate to the code, the
programmer (to be) intends to compile.
In case the observed behaviour of KDevelop is already the result of a
discussion or prefered by most of you, PSE someone mail me the
reasons, as I am not subscribed to your mailinglist, but might have
overlooked something.
Thank you.
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