Python in C++

Roberto Alsina ralsina at
Tue May 15 17:42:29 BST 2001

On Tue, 15 May 2001, gleki wrote:

> Dear all!
> I wonder if any experienced programmer could give me some hint on where 
> can I 
> get a manual or whatsoever on embedding Python code in C++ apps. The one 
> on 
> is not very much complete...

There is some piece of code somewhere by Richard Moore, I think, that
embeds python quite nicely in C++. I can't find a URL, though, but I'm
pretty sure it's in
> How can  be this done in KDevelop? Can it handle also the makefiles in 
> the 
> corresponding manner?
> Thank you very much.
> Best wishes,
> Giorgi

 ("\''/").__..-''"`-. .         Roberto Alsina
 `9_ 9  )   `-. (    ).`-._.`)  ralsina at
 (_Y_.)' ._   ) `._`.  " -.-'   Director técnico
  _..`-'_..-_/ /-'_.'           Conectiva SA
(l)-'' ((i).' ((!.'             Buenos Aires - Argentina
                                KDE Developer (MFCH)
Futuaris nisi irrisus ridebis. (Carlton, De rerum comoedia)

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