2 bugs in kdevelop

Christoph Tapler taps at sbox.tu-graz.ac.at
Tue May 8 10:33:16 BST 2001

Hello F at lk,

Monday, May 07, 2001, 9:55:50 PM, you wrote:

> ...
>> Here is an example to illustrate the problem. If I create my project in
>> "~/programs" and call the project "test", I have the main project
>> directory "~/programs/test". When I include an existing file, for
>> example "testing.cpp", it is put in "~/programs/test/test". In this
>> case, when I do a "compile all (F8)", the message is that the file
>> "~/programs/test/testing.cpp" doesn't exist. In fact it should search
>> the file as "~/programs/test/test/testing.cpp".
> Hmm...thought that was fixed for 1.4 :-(

I have the same problem. I also tried to isolate the bug, but I didn't
find the location in the source. I've started kdevelop in the terminal
to get the debug-output before and after the message window.
It's something like
pView : 138632320 !
emit the got focus signal !

switching to /home/taps/develop/kdownloaderxp/kdownloaderxp//usr/include/limits.h

getting file info !

DocViewMan::slot_gotFocus !
The dialog-box which tells me that it cannot find /limits.h is
"located" between the "switching" and the "getting" part.

As you can see in the "switching"-line the path is obviously wrong...

After that I've searched in the source-code for the words "switching",
"getting" but I didn't have any success. Could you give me a hint to
find the location in the source?

- My make-output is in enlgish. So I don't think it's a problem of the
- I use an actual kdevelop-snapshot.


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