2 bugs in kdevelop

jbb jbb at kdevelop.org
Mon May 7 22:21:13 BST 2001

On Tue, 08 May 2001 15:04, you wrote:
> >> I use kdevelop 1.4.1 that is given with the Mandrake 8.0
> >
> > No, I mean what kind of project? Not the KDevelop-version.
> Sorry, it's a "kde2 normal" project


In a konsole please try 

unset LANG

Does that fix the problem? (hmm - should that be "export unset LANG"?)

if not, look at the make output. You'll see
Entering directory blah
g++ ...
Leaving directory blah

Does the error messages fall between the Entering and Leaving lines or 
outside those lines.

If you want, paste the make output into a mail and send to me privately.


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