linking libraries

Jake Skinner jskinn at
Wed Mar 21 21:28:55 GMT 2001

adding -lpq++ to the linker options doesn't make any difference :(

the error occurs when Kdevelop checks the environment.
    checking whether the C compiler
(gcc -O1 -I/usr/include/pgsql -lpq++)works ..... no
    C compiler cannot create executables

the lib path is in :(

I'm stumped!?

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Mailing list agent [mailto:mdom at]On Behalf
Of Pascal A. Niklaus
  Sent: Monday, 19 March 2001 4:27 PM
  To: kdevelop at
  Subject: Re: linking libraries

  Just add -lpq++ to the linker options (under Projects->Option in KDevelop
1.4), and also include the path -L/... in the options or alternatively
include it in /etc/ and don't forget to run ldconfig... That
should work


  At 04:45 PM 19/03/2001, you wrote:

    I am having trouble linking external libraries - specifically postgresql

    I can get everything working on the command line, but not within the
    Kdevelop IDE.

    This is what I type at the command line

            g++ -I/usr/local/pgsql/include -o myapp
    myapp.cpp -L/usr/local/pgsql/lib -lpq++

    which works as desired, but in the Kdevelop IDE it throws up comilation
    errors. ie can't find the libraries.

    Any suggestions would be great. I know it is something simple but hey :)



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