BUG in KDevelop 1_4 - Branch / Date: 20010319

Christoph Tapler taps at sbox.tu-graz.ac.at
Mon Mar 19 13:35:04 GMT 2001


If I start kdevelop and press F9 to execute (an possibly compile) a program, 
kdevelop crashes. I've searched the source where the problem occurs, and I 
believe I have found the code responsible for this crash:

Can be found in the method CKDevelop::slotFileSaveAll() in file ckdevelop.cpp:

  if (currentDocType == BROWSER)
      debug("view ! \n");
      // <MODIFIED by TAPS>
      ASSERT(m_docViewManager != NULL);
      ASSERT(m_docViewManager->currentBrowserView() != NULL);
      ASSERT(m_docViewManager->currentBrowserView()->parentWidget() != NULL);
      debug("activate BrowserView \n");
      // </MODIFIED by TAPS>
      activateView( (QextMdiChildView*) 

The lines within the comments are ASSERTS which print out the location of the 

After execution of kdevelop it stops because the following assertion occured:
ASSERT: "m_docViewManager->currentBrowserView() != NULL" in ckdevelop.cpp 

Unfortunately I don't know anything about the source-code of kdevelop. 
Therefore I cannot offer a patch...

However ... I hope it helps...

Christoph Tapler
taps at sbox.tu-graz.ac.at

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