problem: access to popup menu in APPUI.RC from QWidget based class

Pascal A. Niklaus Pascal.Niklaus at
Thu Mar 15 00:29:49 GMT 2001

I want to access a factory()->container type of function to get a pointer 
to a popup-menu defined in the apps XMLUI file. This should be done from a 
custom widget, which pops up the  menu when the user clicks the right mouse 

However, my widget is not derived from the main window classes, so I have 
no access to factory()... Do I really have to store a pointer to the 
applications view in my widget to access factory() ??!! Or is there another 
way to get this QPopupMenu pointer?



Present address:

Pascal Niklaus
Landcare Research
Private Bag 11 052
Palmerston North
New Zealand

Phone: +64 6 356 7154 (reception)
        +64 6 350 5799 3968 (direct)
Fax:   +64 6 355 9230

e-mail: <mailto:Pascal.Niklaus at>Pascal.Niklaus at or 
<mailto:Pascal.Niklaus at>Pascal.Niklaus at
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