The file xxx was modified outside this editor. Save anyway?

Jacek Wojdel wojdel at
Thu Mar 8 12:02:44 GMT 2001

On Thu, 08 Mar 2001, you wrote:
> Hi!
> Every time I save my file or compile the project I get the following message:
> The file xxx was modified outside this editor. Save anyway?
> But the file is not modifies outside.
> The project is on a server (nfs). Can this be the Problem?

It can, if your system clock is a bit out of sync. I have the same problem at
work; the system clock on my local machine is screwed and even though it is
synched to server every day, it still drops late by 4 seconds every day. 'make'
starts complaining about files being modified in the future etc. You may
consider changing your local system clock to couple of seconds later, so that
all files on NFS seem to be a little older than they really are (of course
unless the clock change would screw up something important).
In order to see the difference in clocks try (I just had an e-mail conversation
with my sysadmin about it yesterday, so I can just copy the example):

$ cat /dev/null > foo && ls -l --full-time foo && date

-rw-r--r--   1 wojdel   wojdel          0 Wed Mar 07 16:40:56 2001 foo
Wed Mar  7 16:40:55 MET 2001


See ? The 'foo' was saved in the future... and so, for KDevelop it seems it was
touched after it was saved.

Good luck,

|from: J.C.Wojdel                     |
|      J.C.Wojdel at       |

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