Qt3-3.0.0-0.Beta2 and KDevelop 1.4 question.

Werner Modenbach modenbach at alc.de
Tue Jul 24 10:23:18 BST 2001

On Dienstag, 24. Juli 2001 09:51 Ralf Nolden wrote:
Am Dienstag, 24. Juli 2001 09:51 schrieb Ralf Nolden:
> PS the database support is included in the GPL version as well definetly.
> That's why KDE 2.2 doesn't have any database support of its own as we
> dropped that due to Qt 3.

OK. It was a misunderstanding from my side.
Will there be a config tool for databases in KDE? (Sorry for OT)

- Werner-

BTW: I coppied the qt3 questions answer to the list on the kdevelop site. Is 
that what you meant by posting a howto?

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