Installing QT 3.00

August Hörandl august.hoerandl at
Fri Dec 7 21:41:10 GMT 2001

celine.tourlet at wrote:
> I'm trying to install QT 3.00 but I miss Xlib.h. Trolltech web site FAQ
> says that I should install X11 devel packages which obviously did not
> come with RedHat 7.2 installation ...
> As a newbie, I feel really lost ...

okay - it is a suse here but

Xlib.h is /usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xlib.h
which comes from a packaeg which is called xdevel-4.1.0-45
so you should look for a package named xdevel (or similar) 
which should be included with redhat


August Hörandl                              /\---/\
                                           ( o _ o )
august.hoerandl at                     »»»<Y>«««
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