Who is the maintainer of this list? (was Re: What is atoformEdit?)

Thorsten Schnebeck thorsten.schnebeck at gmx.net
Thu Aug 16 13:06:58 BST 2001

Hi list!

Bernd Drescher has the problem that he gets mails from this list (every mail 
has a kdevelop-footer), but he said (in privat mail) that he never 
subscribed. And he don't want any mails from this list. He tried to 
unsubscribe but failed.

Can someone check and help (Sandy??)



Am Mittwoch, 15. August 2001 13:16 schrieb Bernd Drescher:
> Hallo Thorsten,
> ich bekomme seit einiger Zeit eMails von dir, bitte pruef doch mal deinen
> Verteiler und nimm mich bitte bitte bitte da raus.
> meine eMail Accounts:
> bernd.drescher at sonario.com
> info at sonario.com
> bernd.drescher at web.de
> bernd.drescher at genion.de
> MfG
> Bernd Drescher
> sonario.com - Tontraegervertrieb
> http://www.sonario.com

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